Michael Italikos sent his brother news of his problems via a letter-carrier

Michael Italikos sent an old friend with a letter to his brother, introduced by the letter as one who could provide information on the problems Michael faced 
1138 (Guess) 
brother of Michael Italikos (Anonymus 25026)
  • He received a letter from his brother Michael 20130 introducing Anonymus 25032, an old friend who would inform him of the problems Michael faced (:) Italikos 179.1-180.3
friend of Michael Italikos who carried a letter (Anonymus 25032)
  • He took a letter from Michael 20130 to Michael's brother Anonymus 25026, introducing himself, the letter-carrier, as an old friend who would tell him of the opposition Michael faced (:) Italikos 179.1-180.3
Michael Italikos, man of letters (Michael 20130)
  • He sent a letter introducing Anonymus 25032 to his brother Anonymus 25026, as an old friend who would inform him of the problems Michael faced (:) Italikos 179.1-180.3