Roger II asked Ioannes II for an imperial bride for his son - but Ioannes' death intervened

Roger II of Sicily sent an embassy to Ioannes II Constantinople, seeking a Byzantine imperial bride for one of his sons. However before anything was achieved, Ioannes died. The request was repeated later 
son of Roger II of Sicily (Anonymus 17029)
  • As his father tried to find him a Byzantine imperial bride, embassies were sent to the emperor Ioannes 2 and then Manuel 1, who sent Basileios 17002 (Xeros) to negotiate. Basileios was bribed and the plan failed, to the fury of Roger 17001 (:) Kinnamos 91.16-92.10
Emperor Ioannes II Komnenos (Ioannes 2)
  • Received an embassy from Roger 17001 of Sicily, when the pope had recognised him as king, asking for an imperial bride for RogerÂ’'s son (Anonymus 17029); nothing was achieved before his death (:) Kinnamos 91.16-21
Roger II, king of Sicily (Roger 17001)
  • Sent an embassy to Ioannes 2 seeking an imperial bride for his son (Anonymus 17029); at the death of Ioannes, as nothing had happened, he repeated the plea to his succesor Manuel 1 (:) Kinnamos 91.16-21