Alexios Aristenos the nomophylax returned to Constantinople

Alexios Aristenos the nomophylax and protekdikos, who had been away as a provincial governor, returned to the capital and became orphanotrophos for the second time. He was welcomed by Theodoros Prodromos with a group of works in different kinds of prose and verse, and by an elaborate prose encomium from Nikephoros Basilakes. Both stress his broad education and eloquence, and celebrate his service in both the religious and legal spheres 
Alexios Aristenos (Alexios 20110)
  • He was welcomed to the capital, where he was appointed orphanotrophos for the second time, with a set of poems in different verse forms by Theodoros 25001; these stressed his services in both the religious and the legal spheres (:) Prodromos, Historische Gedichte LVI
  • He was the subject of an elaborate encomium by Nikephoros 17003, stressing his broad education, eloquence and skills in both legal and religious spheres; he was favoured by Ioannes 002, whose activitiy reached beyond the Tigris (:) Basilakios, Orationes et epistulae 10.1-25.26