Reynaud of Chatillon invaded & plundered Cyprus

Ioannes Komnenos, protosebastos and protovestiarios (Ioannes 17006)
  • Was governor of Cyprus when Renaud 17001 ravaged it; at first he put up good defence, then, when Michael 17002 pursued the attackers too rashly at Leukosia, he came to his aid and both were captured (:) Kinnamos 178.21-179.3
Michael Branas, strategos of Cilicia (Michael 17002)
  • Assistant to the governor of Cyprus Ioannes 17006, when Renaud 17001 ravaged it at first he put up good defence, then, when he pursued the attackers too rashly at Leukosia, Ioannes came to his aid and both were captured (:) Kinnamos 178.21-179.3
Reynaud of Chatillon, prince of Antioch (Renaud 17001)
  • Married Constance 4002; after unsuccessful threats to Manuel 1, he invaded and ravaged Cyprus; he eventually captured its Byzantine defenders Ioannes 17006 and Michael 17002 at Leukosia; took much booty, provoking ManuelÂ’'s retaliation (:) Kinnamos 178.15-179.4