Deathbed scene of Alexios I

There were three principal doctors, Nikolaos Kallikles, Michael Pantechnes and Michael the eunuch. Alexios' daughter Maria was seated by his head, giving him water and sprinkling rosewater over him. Anna herself was consumed by her sorrow, but trying to play a medical role. Alexios was moving in and out of consciousness, and Eirene was little better. Ioannes at this stage realised that a crisis had come, and had left to pursue his ambitions. The doctors would not exclude the possibility of recovery, and the family were unsure what to believe. Eirene and Anna decided to begin the funeral dirge, but Anna felt some pulse. Then she realised that Alexios was finally dying and she turned away. Eirene let out a shriek, removed her empress' veil and cut off her hair. She had appropriate black shoes, but no black dress: her daughter Theodora could easily supply one. At this point Alexios had clearly died, and all were overcome with wild grief. Anna and her mother were both distraught with mourning, yet each pretended to be recovering so as to encourage the other, thus reaching a kind of consolation. Anna at the end of her book wondered why she had been spared while her father had died. She was also forced to remember the other sufferings she had to bear later, the deaths of her mother Eirene and her husband Nikephoros 
Emperor Alexios I Komnenos (Alexios 1)
  • Surrounded by a group of doctors and the members of his family, whose role gradually changed from caring to mourning, he slipped in and out of consciousness; then finally his pulse stuttered and stopped (:) Anna Komnene 499.8-503.99
Anna Komnene, daughter of Alexios I and historian (Anna 62)
  • After the death of Alexios 1, she and her mother Eirene 61 were both distraught with mourning, yet each pretended to be recovering so as to encourage the other, thus reaching a kind of consolation (:) Tornikes, Georgios 269.19-271.17
  • Just before the death of her father Alexios 1, she was completely overcome with grief yet trying to play a medical role, observing her father's breathing and pulse, trying vainly to console Eirene 61; her medical bulletins to her mother were interrupted more and more by traditional female forms of mourning (:) Anna Komnene 500.25-501.42, 502.83-503.98
Eirene Doukaina, wife of Alexios I (Eirene 61)
  • After the death of Alexios 1, she and her daughter Anna 62 were both distraught with mourning, yet each pretended to be recovering so as to encourage the other, thus reaching a kind of consolation (:) Tornikes, Georgios 269.19-271.17
  • She was exhausted and unsure what to believe, as the doctors would not exclude a recovery; at one point, she and and Anna 62 began a funeral dirge, but then Anna again felt some pulse; finally Anna realised that Alexios 1 was breathing his last and turned away, leaving Eirene to utter a piercing shriek of grief (:) Anna Komnene 500.24-503.4
  • After Alexios 1 was dead, she took off her imperial headgear and cut her hair, adding a dark-coloured headdress and replacing her crimson slippers with a simple black pair; but when trying to change her purple gown she found she had no black dresses; her widowed daughter Theodora 107 could supply one (:) Anna Komnene 503.5-14
Emperor Ioannes II Komnenos (Ioannes 2)
  • By the time that Alexios 1 was dying, Ioannes (not named, but called "the heir" by Anna 62) had realised that a crisis had been reached, and had left the family group to pursue his own ambitions at the Great Palace (:) ὁ διάδοχος Anna Komnene 501.52-55
Maria, daughter of Alexios I Komnenos (Maria 146)
  • She was sitting near the head of her father Alexios 1 in his deathbed scene, trying to soothe his torment with a goblet of cool water, and on another occasion sprinkling him with rosewater (:) Anna Komnene 499.13-500.19, 501.43-45
Michael Pantechnes, imperial physician (Michael 135)
  • He was present as one of the three principal doctors at the death of Alexios 1; they went home in the morning, but later returned, uncertain to the last whether the emperor would survive (:) Anna Komnene 498.88-499.94
Michael the eunuch, doctor from the monastery of Lips (?) (Michael 295)
  • He was present as one of the three principal doctors at the death of Alexios 1; they went home in the morning, but later returned, uncertain to the last whether the emperor would survive (:) Anna Komnene 498.88-499.94
Nikolaos Kallikles, physician of Alexios I (Nikolaos 109)
  • He was present as one of the three principal doctors at the death of Alexios 1; they went home in the morning, but later returned, uncertain to the last whether the emperor would survive (:) Anna Komnene 498.88-499.94
Theodora, daughter of Alexios I Komnenos (Theodora 107)
  • As her father Alexios 1 died, she, as a widow for some time, was able to provide her mother Eirene 61 with a black dress, which she did not possess (:) Anna Komnene 503.11-13