Ascetic captured in siege of Shayzar ransomed in Constantinople

During the siege of Shayzar by Ioannes II, Ibn Kardus the ascetic was taken prisoner, and was carried off to Constantinople. After a while, he was asked by an unknown man whether he was Ibn Kardus, and when he answered in the affirmative, he was asked to point out his master. His unknown benefactor then haggled with his master till they agreed a price and his master agreed to sell him. He was then set free, with the gift of expenses to reach home 
Ibn Kardus the ascetic, captive from Shayzar (Anonymus 820)
  • He was captured during the siege of Shayzar by Ioannes 2 and taken to Constantinople; once there he was ransomed from his owner Anonymus 821 by Anonymus 822 (1138:في سنة اثنتين وثلاثين وخمس مائة) Usama 92-93
Ibn Kardus's Greek master (Anonymus 821)
  • After some bargaining, he sold Anonymus 820 to Anonymus 822 (:) فقاوله على ثمنه حتى تقرر بينه وبين الرومي مبلغ ارضاه فوزن له الثمن Usama 93
Ibn Kardus's anonymous benefactor (Anonymus 822)
  • After some bargaining, bought Anonymus 820 from Anonymus 821 and set him free (:) فقاوله على ثمنه حتى تقرر بينه وبين الرومي مبلغ ارضاه فوزن له الثمن Usama 93
Emperor Ioannes II Komnenos (Ioannes 2)
  • He went to besiege Shayzar (532 (1138):في سنة اثنتين وثلاثين وخمس مائة) نزل على شيزر Usama 92