Tzetzes thanked Kostomos for a letter & a gift, & hoped that Theodoros would read his work (?)

Ioannes Kostomos (or Kostomyres) had sent Tzetzes a simple but strong letter and very generous gifts, and was involved in discussions between Tzetzes and Theodoros; Tzetzes thanked him for letter and gifts, and hoped that Theodoros would read his work [difficult to interpret], though he was fairly modest about its quality (?) 
Ioannes Tzetzes, man of letters (Ioannes 459)
  • He wrote to Ioannes 513, praising the simple strength of the letter he sent and the great generosity of the gift; he hoped that Theodoros 252 would read his work [phrases difficult to interpret], though he was fairly modest about its quality (?) (:) Tzetzes, Letters 112.1-113.20
Ioannes Kostomos (perhaps Kostomyres?) (Ioannes 513)
  • He had sent Ioannes 459 a simple but strong letter and very generous gifts, and was involved in discussions between Tzetzes and Theodoros 252; Tzetzes thanked him for letter and gifts, and hoped that Theodoros would read his work [difficult to interpret], though he was fairly modest about its quality (?) (:) Tzetzes, Letters 112.1-113.20
Theodoros, friend of Tzetzes referred to as kyrios Theodoros (Theodoros 252)
  • He was probably the Theodoros involved in communications between Ioannes 459 and Ioannes 513; Tzetzes appears to hope [in difficult phrases] that Theodoros will use his work (:) Tzetzes, Letters 113.5-14