The Hungarian general Dionysios won a small victory, commemorated by a large mound

Istvan III, king of Hungary, again broke a peaceful status quo by sending his general Dionysos to reclaim Sirmion. Dionysios won a minor victory due to rivalry between the Byzantine commanders. Then he gathered the few casualties and raised a large mound over them to commemorate their memory 
Dionysios, Hungarian general (Dionysios 17001)
  • Was sent by Stephanos 53 with a large army to reclaim Sirmion; he won a minor victory due to rivalry between the Byzantine commanders Michael 17002 and Michael 17005; he gathered the few casualties and raised a large mound over them (:) Kinnamos 257.17-259.23
István III, king of Hungary (Stephanos 53)
  • Again breaking the status quo, he sent Dionysios 17001 with a large army to reclaim Sirmion (:) Kinnamos 257.17-20