Baldwin II made a general invasion of Damascus, winning the hard-fought battle of Marj as-Suffar

Baldwin II proclaimed a general mobilisation of his army to invade Damascus. They gathered in two groups, which met at Tiberias on the way to invade Damascus. As they advanced, they destroyed a tower, passed the Christian village of Salome, and reached Marj as-Suffar, where a battle was fought. Tughtakin's son, Buri, had just gathered large forces. The struggle was long, confused [made more so by confusion in the sources] and of unprecedented ferocity. The outcome was in doubt till the end, and Baldwin II played a glorious part. Tughtakin was defeated, despite valiant attempts to motivate his troops, and he and Buri fled. Baldwin during his journey home captured two towers, storming one and killing the defenders, and taking the other on terms 
Baldwin of Bourcq, Baldwin II, king of Jerusalem (Baldwin 52)
  • Proclaimed general mobilisation to invade Damascus: advanced to Marj as-Suffar, where he won a long battle whose outcome was in doubt till the end, and in which he played a valiant part; returned home, capturing two towers (1126:anno ... millesimus centesimus vicesimus sextus) William of Tyre bk. 13, 18.1-87
  • He proclaimed a general mobilisation of the armed forces of the whole kingdom; they gathered in two groups, which met at Tiberias on the way to invade Damascus; they destroyed a tower, passed the Christian village of Salome, and advanced as far as Marj as-Suffar (:) Fulcher of Chartres 3.50.1-6
  • The battle was long, confused [more confused in the sources] and ferocious; Baldwin fought gloriously, overturning an initial setback and defeating Tughtigin 4001, who fled with Buri 101; Baldwin en route home stormed one tower, killing the defenders, and took another on terms (:) Fulcher of Chartres 3.50.8-14
Taj al-Mulk Buri, son of Tughtakin (Buri 101)
  • He had collected large forces for his father, and brought them to the battlefield on the eve of the battle of Marj as-Suffar; nevertheless he fled with his father at the climax of the battle (:) Fulcher of Chartres 3.50.7-9
Tughtakin, atabeg of Damascus (Tughtigin 4001)
  • His lands were invaded by Baldwin 52, and a battle fought at Marj as-Suffar; despite his efforts to motivate his troops, he was defeated, though the battle was long undecided (: ) William of Tyre bk. 13, 18.1-75
  • He was defeated in the battle of Marj as-Suffar, though fighting was indecisive till the last moment; he fled with Buri 101 (:) Fulcher of Chartres 3.50.7-9