After making Zanki (?) withdraw, Fulk won a great victory over other invaders near Qinnasrin

Having relieved Montferrand, Fulk of Anjou paused at Harenc near the Turkish camp at Qinnasrin and then surprised and defeated the Turkish troops with rich booty 
Ibn al-Daqiq (Benedictus?), Frankish knight (Benediktos 102)
  • Fighting at Qinnasrìn, killed Bishr 101 (:) طعنه فارس من الافرنج ... في صدره اخرج الرمح من ظهره Usama 1-2
Ibn Bishr, Abbasid envoy (Bishr 101)
  • He fought against the Franks at Qinnasrìn conspicuous in golden armour, and so was killed by Benediktos 102 (:) طعنه فارس من الافرنج ... في صدره اخرج الرمح من ظهره Usama 1-2
Fulk V, count of Anjou, king of Jerusalem (Fulk 4001)
  • Persuaded by (typically feminine) pleas of Cecilia 4001, he made Zanki leave Montferrand; from Antioch he paused at Harenc near Turkish camp at Qinnasrin and then surprised and defeated them with rich booty; won over all Antiochenes against Alice 4001 (: ) William of Tyre bk. 14, 6.21-7.35