Zanki saved the people of Buza'a, who had been forced to convert

'Imad al-Din Zanki rescued the Muslim population of Buza'a from the Byzantines (who had forced them to convert). In fact, he soon recovered from the Byzantines both al-Bab and Buza'a: both towns remained in the hands of his descendants until the power was transferred to Salah al-Din 
'Imad al-Din Zanki, atabeg of Mosul (Zengi 4001)
  • He rescued the Muslim population of Buza'a from the Byzantines (who had forced them to convert) (:) وكان الروم ... فتحه ... ونادى مناديه من تنصر فهو آمن ومن أبى فهو مقتول أو مأسور ... فاستنقذه منهم أتابك الشهيد عماد الدين زنكي Ibn Shaddad 374
  • He soon recovered from the Byzantines both al-Bab and Buza'a: both towns remained in the hands of his descendants until the power was transferred to Saladin 101 (:) لم تزل في أيدي من تملك حلب ... ثم انتقل منه الى الملك الناصر صلاح الدين Ibn Shaddad 373