Joscelin went to protect Antioch from Ilghazi; but the latter died before any battle

Zerdana, which had been slighted by Ilghazi in the campaign of the second battle of Danith, was rebuilt by Baldwin II, as regent of Antioch. Ilghazi, after disaster in Armenia, gathered another army and returned to reconquer Zerdana, which was defended by Joscelin of Edessa, who, on the advice of the patriarch Bernard of Valence led the armies of Antioch and Edessa to Sarmada. Baldwin was also summoned north to assist. But before fighting could begin, Ilghazi had an attack of apoplexy or some similar debilitating condition, and had to break off the siege of Zerdana. Despite attempts to conceal the malady, he died on his litter 
Baldwin of Bourcq, Baldwin II, king of Jerusalem (Baldwin 52)
  • Was summoned by Joscelin 4001 to Antioch to beat off Ilghazi 4001; but Ilghazi died of apoplexy before fighting began; later Baldwin did what was needed in Antioch, then marched back southwards (: ) William of Tyre bk. 12, 14.1-19
  • He refortified Zerdana after it had been slighted by Ilghazi 4001, then had to assist Joscelin 4001 as he opposed an attack on the newly-repaired fort by Ilghazi; Joscelin advanced to Sarmada, but Ilghazi was attacked by a paralysing illness, and despite his attempts to conceal the fact, he died (:) Walter the Chancellor 2.16
Najm al-Din Ilghazi, the Urtuqid (Ilghazi 4001)
  • He returned with the biggest army he could muster to attack Zerdana, which had been re-fortified by Baldwin 52, but Joscelin 4001, reinforced by Baldwin, came against him; he had an attack of some paralysing disease and gave up the siege, whilst pretending the contrary; he died on his litter (:) Walter the Chancellor 2.16
  • In the following year he gathered all the troops he could and came to reconquer Zerdana, which had been refortified by Baldwin 52; he was opposed by Joscelin 4001, who took advice from Bernard 4001 and led the armies of Antioch and Edessa to Sarmada; Baldwin too came to help (mense Julio: July, 1122) Walter the Chancellor 2.16
Joscelin I of Courtenay, count of Edessa (Joscelin 4001)
  • Marched to Antioch to beat off Ilghazi 4001, together with Baldwin 52; but Ilghazi died of apoplexy before fighting began (: ) William of Tyre bk. 12, 14.1-17
  • He opposed Ilghazi 4001, who had gathered all the troops he could and came to reconquer Zerdana, which had been refortified by Baldwin 52; he took advice from Bernard 4001 and led the armies of Antioch and Edessa to Sarmada with aid from Baldwin too (:) Walter the Chancellor 2.16