Baldwin II tirelessly fought Tughtakin of Damascus around Gerasa & Tiberias

Tughtakin of Damascus understood that Baldwin II was under pressure on several fronts in the early years of his reign, and tried to exploit the fact by building a fort at Gerasa (1120) and ravaging the area of Tiberias. Baldwin defended tirelessly against Tughtakin's attacks, raising troops from the north of the kingdom and attacking across the Jordan, forcing Tughtakin to retreat towards Damascus and capturing Gerasa. Since it was too far from his base to defend easily, he destroyed the fort, but sent home its garrison of forty Turks 
Baldwin of Bourcq, Baldwin II, king of Jerusalem (Baldwin 52)
  • Tirelessly opposed Tughtigin 4001's attempts to exploit his over-commitment by attacking area of Tiberias, forcing his withdrawal; captured Gerasa, which Tughtakin had fortified, and destroyed it, as too distant to garrison (: ) William of Tyre bk. 12, 16.1-27
  • To stop Tughtigin 4001 ravaging the Tiberias region, he raised troops in the north of the kingdom and attacked across the Jordan, driving Tughtakin towards Damascus; he also captured the newly-built fort of Gerasa, sparing its garrison of forty Turks, but razing it to the ground, as too distant to maintain (:) Fulcher of Chartres 3.10.4
Tughtakin, atabeg of Damascus (Tughtigin 4001)
  • Tried to exploit over-commitment of Baldwin 52 by attacking area of Tiberias; but Baldwin tirelessly opposed him, and he withdrew; he also lost Gerasa, which he had rebuilt at great expense; Baldwin captured and destroyed it (: ) William of Tyre bk. 12, 16.1-27
  • He had built a fort at Gerasa the year before, and was now ravaging the area of Tiberias without opposition; Baldwin 52 raised troops from the north of the kingdom and attacked across the Jordan, forcing Tughtakin to retreat towards Damascus and capturing Gerasa, which he destroyed (:) Fulcher of Chartres 3.10.1-2