Dispute between Pons of Tripoli & Baldwin II

Pons, count of Tripoli refused homage and the service due to Baldwin II. Baldwin immediately marched on Tripoli with the True Cross, but a setlement was reached before they came to blows. It was probably Pons who gave way. Baldwin went on to defend Zerdana, which, after the death of Ilghazi, was under attack from Balak of Khanzit 
Baldwin of Bourcq, Baldwin II, king of Jerusalem (Baldwin 52)
  • When Pons 4002 refused him homage and due service, he marched on Tripoli, but a settlement was reached; he went on to defend Antioch against Balak 4001, who moved away; Baldwin continued to Edessa, where Joscelin 4001 had been captured (: ) William of Tyre bk. 12, 17.1-32
  • He marched aggressively against Pons 4002, who had apparently refused to accept him as overlord, unlike Pons' father Bertrand 4001; but fortunately conciliation was successful before they came to blows; Pons seems to have given way (:) Fulcher of Chartres 3.11.2
Pons, count of Tripoli (Pons 4002)
  • Refused Baldwin 52 homage and due service; Baldwin marched on Tripoli, but a settlement was reached (: ) William of Tyre bk. 12, 17.1-11
  • He had apparently refused to acknowledge Baldwin 52 (of Jerusalem) as his overlord, unlike the stance of his father Bertrand 4001; Baldwin marched aggressively against him, but fortunately conciliation was successful before they came to blows; Pons seems to have given way (:) Fulcher of Chartres 3.11.2