Balak of Khanzit was beaten off from Zerdana, but captured Joscelin & Waleran of Birejik

Balak of Khanzit made an attack on Zerdana, but withdrew when Baldwin II arrived in the area, warned by an archbishop. However when Baldwin returned to Antioch, Balak resumed his attack on Zerdana. Baldwin then reduced his forces to an elite group and went again to protect Zerdana. Balak's reaction was the same, to move away while Baldwin was near, then to attack afresh when he left the area. Baldwin started off back to Jerusalem. But he had only reached Tripoli when he was stopped by bad news: Balak in a sudden raid had captured Joscelin of Edessa and Waleran of Birejik and held them imprisoned. Baldwin had to turn back yet again to protect Edessa, but sent the True Cross on to Jerusalem, where it arrived on September 20 
archbishop, messenger from Antioch to Tripoli (Anonymus 868)
  • He brought the news to Baldwin 52 that the Turks were besieging Zardana against no opposition; he sought the king's assistance (:) Fulcher of Chartres 3.11.3-4
Balak of Khanzit (Balak 4001)
  • Attacked Antiochene fortresses, but moved off when Baldwin 52 arrived in the north; captured Joscelin 4001 and Waleran 4001 near Edessa, then Baldwin himself when he was inspecting the Edessene fortresses; held all prisoners at Kharpurt (: ) William of Tyre bk. 12, 17.13-43
  • After the death of Ilghazi 4001 he took command of the attack on Zerdana, bringing Baldwin 52 from Tripoli to defend it; twice Balak withdrew at Baldwin's arrival, twice he resumed the siege as soon as he had left (:) Fulcher of Chartres 3.11.5-6
Baldwin of Bourcq, Baldwin II, king of Jerusalem (Baldwin 52)
  • When Pons 4002 refused him homage and due service, he marched on Tripoli, but a settlement was reached; he went on to defend Antioch against Balak 4001, who moved away; Baldwin continued to Edessa, where Joscelin 4001 had been captured (: ) William of Tyre bk. 12, 17.1-32
  • He rode towards Zerdana to defend it from Balak 4001; Balak withdrew, only to attack again as soon as Baldwin departed from the area; Baldwin then reduced his forces to an elite group, and returned towards Zerdana, but Balak withdrew again - yet once more attacked Zerdana as soon as Baldwin left (:) Fulcher of Chartres 3.11.4-5
  • Baldwin now decided to return to Jerusalem; he reached Tripoli, but there heard bad news: Balak 4001 in a sudden raid had captured Joscelin 4001 and Waleran 4001; Baldwin was forced to go back to protect Edessa, but sent the True Cross on to Jerusalem, to arrive on September 20 (:) Fulcher of Chartres 3.11.5-3.12.1
Joscelin I of Courtenay, count of Edessa (Joscelin 4001)
  • Was captured by Balak 4001 in a sudden raid and imprisoned: in association with Waleran 4001 (: ) William of Tyre bk. 12, 17.15-18
  • He was ambushed by Balak 4001 and imprisoned, together with his kinsman Waleran 4001; at least a hundred of Joscelin's men were also killed (:) Fulcher of Chartres 3.12.1
Waleran of Birejik (Waleran 4001)
  • Was captured by Balak 4001 in a sudden raid and imprisoned at Kharpurt; was freed by Armenians, but then recaptured by Balak and moved to Harran: in association with Joscelin 4001 (: ) William of Tyre bk. 12, 17.15-19.35
  • He was ambushed by Balak 4001 and imprisoned, together with his kinsman Joscelin 4001; at least a hundred of Joscelin's men were also killed (:) Fulcher of Chartres 3.12.1