Roger of Antioch chose the site for the Field of Blood

Roger of Antioch was impatient to begin operations against Ilghazi and his allies, who were ravaging the Antiochene borders. Roger probably listened too much to the border barons, whose lands were raided yearly, and were being devastated while the army remained at Artah. He had asked the patriarch, Bernard of Valence, to come with him to Artah and deliver a sermon. Bernard saw that at Artah they were in a well-supplied situation likely to be easily defended, and preached that they preserve these advantages and repent of their sins, so as to fight a just war. Roger was determined to move forward, and did not listen. When Bernard realised that Roger would disregard his views, he restated them carefully, but in vain. He then took Roger's confession, saw him make his will, blessed him as he set out, repeated his exhortation to virtue and returned sobbing to Antioch. If Roger had reamined at Artah, he would soon have had the wise advice of Baldwin II. Walter the Chancellor, who was present, narrates the advance to the Field of Blood in the first person plural, making it plain that he disapproved 
Baldwin of Bourcq, Baldwin II, king of Jerusalem (Baldwin 52)
  • His wise advice would soon have become available to Roger 4002, if only the latter had remained at Artah, as Bernard 4001 demanded (:) Walter the Chancellor 2.1
Bernard of Valence, Latin bishop of Artah, later patriarch of Antioch (Bernard 4001)
  • Together with some nobles of Antioch, tried to persuade Roger 4002 not to risk the advance which led to the Field of Blood (: ) William of Tyre bk. 12, 9.23-27
  • At the request of Roger 4002, he followed Roger's army from Antioch to Artah, where he saw that they were in a well-supplied situation likely to be easily defended; he delivered a sermon, asking that they preserve these advantages and repent of their sins, so as to fight a just war (:) Walter the Chancellor 2.1
  • When he realised that Roger 4002 would disregard his views, he restated them carefully, but in vain; he took Roger's confession, saw him make his will, blessed him as he set out, repeated his exhortation to virtue and returned sobbing to Antioch (:) Walter the Chancellor 2.1
Roger of Salerno, prince (regent?) of Antioch (Roger 4002)
  • When Bernard 4001 asked in a sermon that they keep their advantages at Artah and repent of their sins, so as to fight a just war, Roger persistently refused; he listened too much to the border barons, whose lands were raided yearly, and were devastated while the army remained at Artah (:) Walter the Chancellor 2.1
  • He was determined to take up a risky forward position, so in spite of his embarrassment he disregarded a careful restatement by Bernard 4001 of the reasons for caution; he confessed his sins and made a will, then left, blessed by a sobbing Bernard (:) Walter the Chancellor 2.1
  • When Ilghazi 4001 was reported to be approaching the Antiochene borders in a hostile way, Roger moved to Artah, asking Bernard 4001 to join him; if only Roger had stayed at Artah to discuss the situation with Baldwin 52! Artah was well provisioned, and access was much easier from the Christian side than the Muslim (:) Walter the Chancellor 2.1
Walter, chancellor of Antioch, historical writer (Walter 101)
  • The advance to the Field of Blood was described in the first person plural, though his participation was plainly unwilling; on the eve of the battle he had a private meeting with Roger 4002, to discuss non-military issues (:) Walter the Chancellor 2.3