Reconciliation between emperor Henry V & pope Calixtus II (concordat of Worms)

There was a joyful reconciliation between the western emperor Henry V and pope Calixtus II (at the concordat of Worms). This marked the reunification of western Christendom 
Pope Calixtus II (Calixtus 22)
  • He had a joyful reconciliation with the western emperor Henry 55 (at the concordat of Worms), unifying western Christendom (:) Fulcher of Chartres 3.13.1
Henry V, king of Germany and western emperor (Henry 55)
  • He had a joyful reconciliation with Calixtus 22 (at the concordat of Worms), unifying western Christendom (:) Fulcher of Chartres 3.13.1