Usama on the Frankish kingdom: Nablus

Whenever Usama stayed in Nablus, he would use the lodgings ran by a certain Muizz. There was a Frankish wineseller in Nablus whose house was close by, and he would take some wine in a bottle and go around shouting "so-and-so the merchant has just opened a cask full of this wine; anyone who wants to buy some will find it in such-and-such a place". This man was not at all jealous of his wife and would not become suspicious even when he found another man in bed with her. [There follows a case of trial by combat, ridiculed by Usama.] A peasant from a village near Nablus was accused of helping Muslim thieves, and fled from king Fulk. Fulk had his children imprisoned, and this brought him back, and he challenged his (unknown) accuser to a duel. Fulk then asked the tenant of the village to bring the accuser, but he chose the village blacksmith [presumably to minimise the chance of losing one of his peasants]. The viscount of Nablus provided the man and the blacksmith with a cudgel and shield each, and gathered an audience, who made a circle. The blacksmith killed his opponent, and thus justice was done! 
children of a peasant from a village near Nablus (Anonymi 199)
  • Were arrested by Fulk 4001 when Anonymus 799 fled after being accused of conniving with Muslim thieves (:) فهرب. فنفّذ الملك فقبض اولاده Usama 138
peasant from a village near Nablus (Anonymus 799)
  • When accused of helping Muslim thieves, he fled, but returned when Fulk 4001 had Anonymi 199 imprisoned; he challenged his accuser to a duel, but Anonymus 800 made him duel against Anonymus 801, who killed him (:) Usama 138-139
tenant of a village near Nablus (Anonymus 800)
blacksmith at a village near Nablus (Anonymus 801)
  • Was ordered by Anonymus 800 to duel against Anonymus 799 and killed him, receiving a cloak as a reward (:) Usama 138-139
viscount of Nablus (Anonymus 802)
  • Gave Anonymus 799 and Anonymus 801 a cudgel and shield each and arranged people in a circle around them for their duel (:) Usama 139
Frankish wineseller of Nablus (Anonymus 832)
  • His house being in front of that of Muizz 101, he would take some wine in a bottle and go around shouting "so-and-so the merchant has just opened a cask full of this wine; anyone who wants to buy some will find it in such-and-such a place" (:) يأخذ في قنّينة من النبيذ وينادي عليه ... Usama 136
  • Was not at all jealous of his wife and would not become suspicious even when he found another man in bed with her (:) Usama 136
Fulk V, count of Anjou, king of Jerusalem (Fulk 4001)
  • Had Anonymi 199 arrested when their father Anonymus 799, accused of conniving with Muslim thieves, fled; on the man's return, he asked Anonymus 800 to provide a man to duel with him (:) فهرب. فنفّذ الملك فقبض اولاده ... Usama 138
Usama b. Munqidh (Usama 101)
  • Whenever he was in Nablus, he would stay at the lodgings of Muizz 101 (:) كنت اذا جئت الى نابلس انزل في دار رجل يقال له معزّ داره عمارة المسلمين Usama 136