Usama on Frankish medicine

The lord of al-Munaytira wrote to 'Izz al-Din Abu l-'Asakir Sultan asking him to send him a physician, so as to cure some sick people. Sultan sent a Christian doctor from Shayzar named Thabit. He went to al-Munaytira, but returned after only ten days, saying he had been unable to help. His first patient was a Frankish knight with an abscess on his leg. He had applied a poultice, and it improved, but a Frankish doctor had ridiculed this treatment; instead of treating the abscess, he cut off the leg, leading to the knight's death. Next came an imbecile Frankish woman, whom Thabit cured by putting her on a diet to replace her previous food of garlic and mustard, which had led to the imbecility. But the same Frankish doctor shaved off her hair while allowing her to revert to her previous diet, so the imbecility returned. Then he incised her skull with a razor, peeled off the skin and rubbed it with salt, causing instant death. Thabit's medicine was useless. But Frankish medicine did have its successes: king Fulk had a villainous treasurer, a knight named Bernard, who had a nasty wound on his leg from a horse's kick, open in fourteen places. This was cured by a Frankish doctor who removed all ointments from it and washed it with vinegar. Abu l-Fath, an artisan from Shayzar, was once in Antioch on business with his son, who suffered badly from scrofula. A man from Antioch taught him an effective remedy, on condition that he did not ask for money to use it on others. The remedy, involving glasswort, olive oil, vinegar, burnt lead and ghee butter, was tried out by Usama, who guaranteed that it worked. Wiiliam of Bures, on a journey from Acre to Tiberias, told Usama and Mu'in al-Din Anar of a priest who, instead of laying on hands to cure a man, blocked his nose with wax to save him suffering 
Mu'in al-Din Anar, vizier of Damascus (Anar 101)
  • Was accompanied by William 4015 on a journey from Acre to Tiberias, and heard from William an anecdote on Frankish medicine (:) رافق الامير معين الدين ... من عكّا الى طبرية Usama 137
imbecile Frankish woman (Anonyma 230)
  • After improving her health thanks to Thabit 101, her hair was shaved by Anonymus 792 and she reverted to her diet of garlic and mustard; then he incised her skull with a razor, peeled off the skin and rubbed it with salt, making her die (:) Usama 133
Frankish doctor at al-Munaytira (Anonymus 792)
  • Shaved off Anonyma 230's hair, while she reverted to her diet of garlic and mustard, so that her imbecility returned; then he incised her skull with a razor, peeled off the skin and rubbed it with salt, making her die instantly (:) Usama 133
  • Instead of curing Anonymus 793 of the abscess in his leg, he had the leg cut off, making the man die (:) Usama 133
Frankish knight of al-Munaytira (Anonymus 793)
  • After having an abscess in his leg cured by Thabit 101, he was treated by Anonymus 792; instead of treating the abscess, the doctor had the leg amputated, leading to his death (:) Usama 133
lord of al-Munaytira (Anonymus 794)
  • He wrote to Sultan 101 asking him to dispatch a physician to al-Munaytira, so as to cure some sick people (:) كتب الى عمي يطلب منه انفاذ طبيب يداوي مرضى من اصحابه Usama 132
Frankish physician in Jerusalem (Anonymus 828)
  • Cured Bernard 101's leg wound by removing all ointments from it and washing it with vinegar (:) Usama 133-134
Frank from Antioch (Anonymus 829)
  • Taught Anonymus 830 a cure for scrofula to cure his son, on condition that he did not ask for money to use this prescription on others (:) Usama 134
Abu l-Fath, artisan of Shayzar (Anonymus 830)
  • In Antioch on business, he met Anonymus 829 who suggested a cure for his son's scrofula, on condition that he did not ask for money to use it on others; the remedy, involving glasswort, olive oil, vinegar, burnt lead and ghee butter, worked (:) Usama 134
Bernard, treasurer of King Fulk (Bernard 101)
  • He had a nasty wound on his leg from a horse's kick, open in fourteen places; this was cured by Anonymus 828, who removed all ointments from it and washed it with vinegar (:) Usama 133-134
Fulk V, count of Anjou, king of Jerusalem (Fulk 4001)
  • He had as treasurer a knight called Bernard 101, who was one of the most accursed and wicked amongst the Franks (:) كان للملك خازن من فرسانهم يقال له برناد ... من العن الافرنج وارجسهم Usama 133
'Izz al-Din Abu l-'Asakir Sultan (Sultan 101)
  • He received a letter from Anonymus 794 asking him to dispatch a physician to cure some sick people; he sent Thabit 101 (:) كتب الى عمي يطلب منه انفاذ طبيب يداوي مرضى من اصحابه فأرسل له طبيبًا نصرانيًا يقال له ثابت Usama 132-133
Thabit, Christian doctor of Shayzar (Thabit 101)
  • Went to al-Munaytira to cure the sick, but returned after only ten days; he had been unable to help either Anonyma 230 or Anonymus 793 because of the intervention of Anonymus 792 (:) فما غاب عشرة ايام حتى عاد Usama 133
  • He cured Anonyma 230 by putting her on a diet; but her improvement was reversed by the treatment of Anonymus 792 and she eventually died (:) وحميت المرأة ورطبت مزاجها ... Usama 133
  • Applied a poultice to Anonymus 793's abscessed leg, so that it improved; but then Anonymus 792 had the leg cut off and the patient died (:) فعملت للفارس لبيخة ففتحت الدمّلة وصلحت ... Usama 133
Usama b. Munqidh (Usama 101)
  • He wrote about Frankish medicine, largely ridiculing it, but willing to accept that it had some successes (:) Usama 132-133
  • Was accompanied by William 4015 on a journey from Acre to Tiberias, and heard from William an anecdote on Frankish medicine (:) Usama 137
William of Bures, lord of Tiberias (William 4015)
  • On a journey from Acre to Tiberias with Anar 101 and Usama 101, told them of a priest who, instead of laying on hands to cure a man, blocked his nose with wax to suffocate him and save him suffering (:) Usama 137