Salah al-Din captured 'Azaz & besieged Aleppo, till agreement was reached

Salah al-Din after a fierce struggle captured 'Azaz, taking it from al-Malik al-Salih Isma'il, who had inherited it from his father Nur al-Din. He then approached Aleppo and put that under siege, until a peace was agreed between himself and Isma'il 
Salah al-Din Yusuf ibn Ayyub (Saladin 101)
  • He captured 'Azaz after a fierce struggle, taking it from Ismail 102, who had inherited it from his father Nur al-Din 4001 (:) حاصر عزاز الى ان تسلمها بعد قتال شديد Ibn Shaddad 383
  • He then approached Aleppo and put that under siege, until a peace was agreed between him and Ismail 102 (:) ثم حاصر حلب الى ان استقر الصلح Ibn Shaddad 383