Louis VII approached Constantinople

Louis VII, like Conrad III before him, had to resist firm Byzantine pressure to cross at the Dardanelles rather than the Bosporos. Unlike Conrad, as he approached the city, he sent to offer full co-operation. There was some correspondence between the empress Eirene and queen Eleanor of Aquitaine. There was a party in the French army that wanted Louis to capture the city, in collaboration with Roger II, who was boldly attacking the area of Greece. To the later disappointment of Odo of Deuil (on behalf of all of the Latin faith), he refused to listen. A day's journey from Constantinople, he met his own ambassadors, and was fully briefed about recent events there 
Eirene (Bertha of Sulzbach), first wife of Manuel I (Eirene 66)
  • As the army of Louis 101 approached Constantinople, she sometimes wrote to Eleanor 101 (:) interdum imperatrix reginae scribebat Odo of Deuil 56
Eleanor of Aquitaine, queen of Louis VII, then of Henry II (Eleanor 101)
  • As the army of Louis 101 approached Constantinople, from time to time she received letters from Eirene 66 (:) interdum imperatrix reginae scribebat Odo of Deuil 56
Louis VII, king of France (Louis 101)
  • As with Conrad 53, an energetic attempt was made to persuade him to cross the Dardanelles at Sestos, rather than passing by Constantinople (:) Odo of Deuil 58
  • At the Danube he welcomed Manuel 1's representatives, Michael 62 (Palaiologos) and Michael 17002 (Branas); he did not harm the Byzantines as he passed, unlike Conrad 53; approaching Constantinople, he sent to offer full cooperation (:) Kinnamos 82.5-17
  • As he approached Constantinople, a party in his army wanted him to capture the city, in collaboration with Roger 17001, who was boldly attacking the area of Greece; to the later disappointment of Odo 102 (on behalf of all of the Latin faith), he refused to listen (:) Odo of Deuil 58
  • A day's journey from Constantinople, he met his own ambassadors, and was fully briefed about recent events there (:) Odo of Deuil 58