Determined attack on Tortosa by Tughtakin of Damascus foiled by a trick

The crusaders captured Tortosa and put it under the control of Raymond of Toulouse, who remained there to protect it. This posed a threat to Tughtakin of Damascus, who gathered a large army to recover it. Raymond had insufficient men to mount a conventional defence, so he hid his inferior forces in a corner of the castle and told the townspeople to say he had gone. Tughtakin accepted this explanation, camped outside the town and relaxed. Whereupon Raymond attacked his camp and massacred most of the Damascene troops 
Raymond of Saint-Gilles, count of Toulouse (Raymond 61)
  • As Tughtigin 4001 reached Tortosa, he hid his inferior forces in a corner of the castle and told the townspeople to say he had gone; Tughtakin camped outside and relaxed, whereupon Raymond made a sudden attack and massacred most of the Damascene troops (:) Anna Komnene 344.2-16
Tughtakin, atabeg of Damascus (Tughtigin 4001)
  • When the crusaders captured Tortosa, put it under the rule of Raymond 61 and left him to protect it, Tughtakin was provoked to collect a large army to recover it; but he was tricked and ambushed by Raymond (:) Anna Komnene 344.90-98
  • When he arrived at Tortosa with large forces, Raymond 61 hid his small army in a corner of the large castle, telling the townspeople to say he had gone; but when Tughtakin camped outside the town and relaxed, Raymond attacked the camp and massacred most of the Damascene troops (:) Anna Komnene 344.92-16