Certainty: 2 Konstantinos Leichoudes' talents were used by Michael V in his brief reign Certainty: 2
Certainty: 1 Rise of Konstantinos Leichoudes to become the mesazon of Konstantinos IX Certainty: 1
Certainty: 3 Dedication of monastery & hospital at Mangana by Konstantinos IX Certainty: 3
Certainty: 2 Siege of Constantinople by Leon Tornikios, who won several skirmishes Certainty: 2
Certainty: 2 Konstantinos IX dismissed Konstantinos Leichoudes in favour of Ioannes logothetes Certainty: 2
Certainty: 0 Konstantinos Leichoudes swore to rebuild the Church where his father would be buried Certainty: 0
Certainty: 1 Konstantinos IX after dismissing Konstantinos Leichoudes, completed his reign in sickness & failure
In a eulogy of Konstantinos Leichoudes, Psellos was very critical of Konstantinos IX for dismissing him. He said that the rest of the emperor's reign after the dismissal was a story of sickness and failure. Leichoudes succeded in keeping his independence, in spite of pressures to return
Certainty: 2 Esaïas left the capital, but was given protection (to Psellos' joy) by Konstantinos Leichoudes Certainty: 2
Certainty: 2 Psellos with 2 colleagues sent as ambassadors to Isaakios Komnenos at Nikomedia Certainty: 2
Certainty: 2 Michael VI's envoys splendidly received Certainty: 2
Certainty: 2 Secret response of Isaakios (I) to the ambassadors of Michael VI Certainty: 2
Certainty: 2 The first embassy of Psellos & his colleagues, they say, was ignored Certainty: 2
Certainty: 2 Outcome of embassy to Isaakios (I) reported to Michael VI; reply to secret response Certainty: 2
Certainty: 2 Second embassy to Isaakios (I) came close to agreement on settlement Certainty: 2
Certainty: 2 Katakalon Kekaumenos convinced many rebels of dangers of settlement, & (secretly) the imperial ambassadors Certainty: 2
Certainty: 2 Ambassadors assured Isaakios (I) he was popular in Constantinople, which would revolt at his approach Certainty: 2
Certainty: 2 Second embassy to Isaakios Komnenos interrupted by news of revolt in Constantinople Certainty: 2
Certainty: 3 Isaakios Komnenos entered city in triumph; he was crowned & proclaimed emperor by patriarch Certainty: 3
Certainty: 2 Konstantinos Leichoudes was given a major administrative role by Isaakios I Certainty: 2
Certainty: 2 Psellos was seriously ill, interrupting his visits to the emperor & the business he was doing for suppliants Certainty: 2
Certainty: 2 Konstantinos Leichoudes was the only approach to Isaakios I: Psellos wrote to him for the krites of Charsianon & a poor suppliant Certainty: 2
Certainty: 2 Appointment of Konstantinos Leichoudes as patriarch Certainty: 2
Certainty: 2 Leichoudes fell seriously ill as soon as he became patriarch - a worrying sign of possible divine disfavour Certainty: 2
Certainty: 2 Leichoudes sent Psellos a fish, which the latter hoped meant that the friend who had rejected him was reconciled
Konstantinos Leichoudes sent Psellos a fish. It made Psellos think of him as an old friend who had rejected him and still excluded him, as the serpent still spread its poison, so that he had nearly forgotten his appearance. If this was this the fish superior to all others, it was a good picture of the sender. He wondered whether the fish meant reconciliation, for which he devoutly wished. He would cross any barrier, slay any beast, and roar like a lion to end his exclusion
Certainty: 3 Abdication of Isaakios Komnenos Certainty: 3
Certainty: 3 Beginning of rule of Konstantinos X Certainty: 3
Certainty: 2 Leichoudes honoured Keroularios at his tomb before Konstantinos X & Eudokia a year after his death
Konstantinos Leichoudes organised a ceremony on the anniversary of the death of Michael Keroularios. It took place at his tomb, with Psellos as speaker. Psellos made extensive use of the conventions of hagiography, especially for the end of the patriarch's life, after his arrest by Isaakios I. He described Konstantinos X and Eudokia as present, on opposite sides of the tomb. The writer's stance is that of an eye-witness who has pondered and reconsidered Keroularios' actions, finding them masterful
Certainty: 2 Katakalon Kekaumenos as a monk was told to deal with the emperor himself over non-payment of his salary Certainty: 2
Certainty: 1 Katakalon Kekaumenos was told that his man worked hard on emperor, patriarch & Psellos before admitting defeat Certainty: 1
Certainty: 1 Provisional settlement of dispute between Vatopedi & Hagios Hypatios on Athos Certainty: 1
Certainty: 1 Trial of Konstantinos, nephew of Keroularios, for a capital offence Certainty: 1
Certainty: 1 The patriarch Konstantinos Leichoudes made the rules of the convent he had founded more & more strict Certainty: 1
Certainty: 1 When Psellos tried to help a krites, he made progress at first in persuading Konstantinos X; but now slander had stopped him
If Psellos had as much power as affection, a krites he supported would long ago have escaped his troubles. Once determined to help him, Psellos began to work on Konstantinos X (who was already favourable), directly and via Konstantinos Leichoudes the patriarch. But then plausible and malicious charges intervened, made by clever men against the krites to turn the emperor against him. This situation would soon improve as times changed again
Certainty: 3 Death of Konstantinos Leichoudes caused an outpouring of grief throughout the capital; then an interregnum Certainty: 3
Certainty: 1 Psellos sent festal gifts to the families of Konstantinos X, Ioannes kaisar & the patriarch; letters often explore symbolism Certainty: 1