Certainty: 2 Konstantinos Leichoudes' talents were used by Michael V in his brief reign Certainty: 2
Certainty: 1 Rise of Konstantinos Leichoudes to become the mesazon of Konstantinos IX
When Konstantinos IX became emperor, he felt that it was time to relax from the pressures of his exile. He was very willing to pass the imperial duties to others, especially Konstantinos Leichoudes, in whose hands the empire prospered. Leichoudes gradually became prominent and was elevated to the most conspicuous position in the empire (mesazon). He would often give the impression in public that he was consulting the emperor, when in fact he was not. But then Monomachos became jealous and, as if the empire had been transferred to Leichoudes, was unable to bear it
Certainty: 3 Dedication of monastery & hospital at Mangana by Konstantinos IX
Among all the building projects of Konstantinos IX the one he preferred most was the monastery in which the church of Hagios Georgios (of Mangana) was built. It was augmented by the construction of imperial apartments, to which he also added a hospital. He spent unsparingly from the public purse on its construction, building and pulling down parts and building them again, so that he ran out of resources and had to invent all sorts of fraudulent ways to exact money. Konstantinos Leichoudes had (perhaps only later?) a role in the management of the complex
Certainty: 2 Siege of Constantinople by Leon Tornikios, who won several skirmishes Certainty: 2
Certainty: 2 Konstantinos IX dismissed Konstantinos Leichoudes in favour of Ioannes logothetes Certainty: 2
Certainty: 0 Konstantinos Leichoudes swore to rebuild the Church where his father would be buried Certainty: 0
Certainty: 1 Konstantinos IX after dismissing Konstantinos Leichoudes, completed his reign in sickness & failure Certainty: 1
Certainty: 2 Esaïas left the capital, but was given protection (to Psellos' joy) by Konstantinos Leichoudes
As Esaïas left the city Psellos sympathised with him, as he was likely to suffer badly. But when he found protection from Konstantinos Leichoudes he rejoiced with him, since he would be healed and consoled. Psellos wrote to Leichoudes about his own desperate state (on Olympos?), where he had no other confidant but the parakoimomenos, on whom he relied a great deal. He too needed Leichoudes' help, as he was far away and suffering family problems. He had no news but rumours, and hoped that Leichoudes would prosper and save him
Certainty: 2 Psellos with 2 colleagues sent as ambassadors to Isaakios Komnenos at Nikomedia Certainty: 2
Certainty: 2 Michael VI's envoys splendidly received Certainty: 2
Certainty: 2 Secret response of Isaakios (I) to the ambassadors of Michael VI Certainty: 2
Certainty: 2 The first embassy of Psellos & his colleagues, they say, was ignored Certainty: 2
Certainty: 2 Outcome of embassy to Isaakios (I) reported to Michael VI; reply to secret response Certainty: 2
Certainty: 2 Second embassy to Isaakios (I) came close to agreement on settlement Certainty: 2
Certainty: 2 Katakalon Kekaumenos convinced many rebels of dangers of settlement, & (secretly) the imperial ambassadors
[Skylitzes' version] Although Isaakios (I) and his generals applauded Michael VI's offer to have Isaakios adopted and proclaimed co-emperor, Katakalon Kekaumenos disagreed, considering it wrong to allow the old emperor to stay on the throne. He objected to the abandonment of the oath taken to depose Michael VI, warning that if Isaakios were adopted by Michael VI, he would soon be poisoned and his supporters blinded. Men in a position to know said that he was approached secretly by the emperor's envoys, and urged to maintain these objections
Certainty: 2 Ambassadors assured Isaakios (I) he was popular in Constantinople, which would revolt at his approach Certainty: 2
Certainty: 2 Second embassy to Isaakios Komnenos interrupted by news of revolt in Constantinople Certainty: 2
Certainty: 3 Isaakios Komnenos entered city in triumph; he was crowned & proclaimed emperor by patriarch Certainty: 3
Certainty: 2 Konstantinos Leichoudes was given a major administrative role by Isaakios I Certainty: 2
Certainty: 2 Psellos was seriously ill, interrupting his visits to the emperor & the business he was doing for suppliants
Four letters mention what maybe was the same serious illness. Two were to close friends, one perhaps Ioannes Mauropous. In that, he said the sickness began with sudden cold at the heart, then spread everywhere, especially the head, making him think of death, which he and his friend had not yet studied. Now pain had stopped, but fever and exhaustion continued, to the alarm of observers; he still ate only under compulsion, but was now on the side of the living. In the other, he said that God had saved him after a long fever, and that the symptoms (heart pain, headache, breathing problems, a stitch in his side and fever), had all disappeared, so he expected complete recovery. In both letters he thought of his tomb at Horaia Pege, and in the second his correspondent seems to be near there. The other two letters give headaches which kept him away from court as a reason for delay in executing business. The krites of Paphlagonia was told to have faith in his friend Michael, although he had hardly yet begun work. The krites of Charsianon was told that winter had improved Psellos' health, and that he would approach the emperor via Leichoudes, the only effective route; the krites too should write humbly to Leichoudes
Certainty: 2 Konstantinos Leichoudes was the only approach to Isaakios I: Psellos wrote to him for the krites of Charsianon & a poor suppliant Certainty: 2
Certainty: 2 Appointment of Konstantinos Leichoudes as patriarch
The proedros and protovestiarios Konstantinos Leichoudes was appointed patriarch after the death of Keroularios. Leichoudes was a good enough churchman to silence criticisms and do honour to his predecessor. Psellos predicted the appointment, for Leichoudes seemed to have prepared himself for this moment. Knowing him as a man and civilian administrator, Psellos was not surprised that he proved an excellent patriarch, sympathetic and never angry. But Leichoudes' consecration was delayed by Isaakios I while the synod investigated rumours against him. Isaakios' price for removal of this hindrance was for Leichoudes to hand over his control of the Mangana, which, after consideration, he did. From then on there was no problem
Certainty: 2 Leichoudes fell seriously ill as soon as he became patriarch - a worrying sign of possible divine disfavour Certainty: 2
Certainty: 2 Leichoudes sent Psellos a fish, which the latter hoped meant that the friend who had rejected him was reconciled Certainty: 2
Certainty: 3 Abdication of Isaakios Komnenos Certainty: 3
Certainty: 3 Beginning of rule of Konstantinos X Certainty: 3
Certainty: 2 Leichoudes honoured Keroularios at his tomb before Konstantinos X & Eudokia a year after his death Certainty: 2
Certainty: 2 Katakalon Kekaumenos as a monk was told to deal with the emperor himself over non-payment of his salary Certainty: 2
Certainty: 1 Katakalon Kekaumenos was told that his man worked hard on emperor, patriarch & Psellos before admitting defeat Certainty: 1
Certainty: 1 Provisional settlement of dispute between Vatopedi & Hagios Hypatios on Athos
Konstantinos X granted to Iakobos, hegoumenos of Hagios Hypatios, a sigillion obtained through fraudulent means, which the hegoumenos used to appropriate properties belonging to Vatopedi. Theodosios, hegoumenos of Vatopedi, complained to Konstantinos X about the properties of the monastery appropriated by Iakobos with his fraudulent sigillion. Konstantinos X passed the problem to the patriarch Konstantinos Leichoudes, and he in turn to Niketas, kouboukleisios and protosynkellos, chartophylax of the patriarchate, who decided the issue in favour of Vatopedi. But Iakobos of Hagios Hypatios ignored Niketas' decision, went to the civil courts and had the disputed property returned to his monastery. Theodosios of Vatopedi complained again to Konstantinos X and Konstantinos the patriarch, who asked Hilarion, protos of Athos, to settle the affair. He implemented the decision of Niketas the chartophylax, having himself examined the relevant historical documents, and returned the properties to Vatopedi
Certainty: 1 Trial of Konstantinos, nephew of Keroularios, for a capital offence Certainty: 1
Certainty: 1 The patriarch Konstantinos Leichoudes made the rules of the convent he had founded more & more strict Certainty: 1
Certainty: 1 When Psellos tried to help a krites, he made progress at first in persuading Konstantinos X; but now slander had stopped him Certainty: 1
Certainty: 3 Death of Konstantinos Leichoudes caused an outpouring of grief throughout the capital; then an interregnum Certainty: 3
Certainty: 1 Psellos sent festal gifts to the families of Konstantinos X, Ioannes kaisar & the patriarch; letters often explore symbolism Certainty: 1