Fort at al-Maniqa was held for Nasr ibn Musharraf, not handed to Byzantines

Michael Spondyles had sanctioned the building of a fort at al-Maniqa by Nasr ibn Musharraf, who claimed to be building it for the Byzantines. When Michael was removed from the command of Antioch, Nasr finished the fort, but refused to hand it over. He found numerous excuses, and garrissoned the fort with troops from the Maghreb, with support from Hassan (Pinzarach) and the Fatimid commander al-Dizbiri 
Michael Spondyles, doux of Antioch (Michael 108)
  • Unaware of the plot of Mousaraph 101 (held in Antioch) he set him free, acquiesced to his request to have a fort built (al-Maniqa, Menikos) and entrusted to him allegedly in order to harass his fellow Arabs, and established there a 1000-strong garrison (:) Skylitzes 379.66-69
Nasr ibn Musharraf, Arab opponent of Antioch (Mousaraph 101)
  • Promised to Spondyles (Michael 108) that he would afflict his fellow Arabs, indicated a site to erect a fort which would be of great use to the Romans if handed to him, and was set free and put in charge of the newly built fort (al-Maniqa, Menikos) (:) Skylitzes 379.63-69
  • Was issued an order by Michael 108 authorizing him to build a fort at al-Maniqa, but when Michael was removed from office in Antioch he gathered a group of Muslims pretending that they were building it for the Rum from whom he obtained equipment (:) فأجابه ... و بعد انصرافه عن ولايتها وافق نصر بن مشرّف المذكور قومًا من المسلمين ... وأظهر للروم أنّ اجتماعهم إنّما هو لعمارة الحصن Yahya al-Antaki 502
  • When he finished constructing the ramparts of al-Maniqa and the Rum requested to be handed the fort, he refused finding numerous excuses and asked for help from the troops (?) from the Maghreb (:) ولمّا دار عليه الحصن ... اضطهدوه فى تسليمه اليهم أو طلوعهم اليه فدافعهم عنه ... واعتضد بالمغاربة واستند اليهم Yahya al-Antaki 502-4
Hassan ibn al-Mufarrij ibn al-Jarrah (Pinzarach) (Pinzarach 101)
  • Sent an army to Mousaraph 101, who had been put in charge of a newly built fort (al-Maniqa, Menikos) by the doux of Antioch Michael 108 Spondyles and who had secretly contacted him, and was handed the fort after its 1000-strong garrison was exterminated: in association with Tousber 101 (:) Skylitzes 379.69-72
al-Dizbiri (al-Barbari in Yahya), Fatimid governor of Palestine (Tousber 101)
  • Sent an army to Mousaraph 101, who had been put in charge of a newly built fort (al-Maniqa, Menikos) by the doux of Antioch Michael 108 Spondyles and who had secretly contacted him, and was handed the fort after its 1000-strong garrison was exterminated: in association with Pinzarach 101 (:) Skylitzes 379.69-72