Complex preliminaries to negotiations over Byzantine-Fatimid peace treaty

Niketas of Mistheia, the doux of Antioch, who was trying to reduce all the new Muslim forts, and al-Dizbiri, the Fatimid commander, who was on the defensive, were moving towards direct war between the two powers. Niketas was gathering troops at Antioch, while al-Dizbiri was under pressure from the defenders of the forts to attack and divert the Byzantine forces. In an exchange of letters they decided to try negotiations between envoys from the two sides. After more approaches by letter, Romanos III agreed to send two envoys to Antioch, and the caliph al-Zahir was to dispatch two envoys of his own to Damascus. They met near Tortosa to discuss a renewal of their treaty 
Al-Zahir, Fatimid caliph (Al-Zahir 101)
  • Sent two eminent envoys (Anonymi 169) to Damascus in order to negotiate a peace treaty with the emperor's envoys (Anonymi 170) at Tortosa, as agreed by al-Dizbiri (Tousber 101) and Niketas 102 (:) سيّر الظاهر رسولين وجيهين الى دمشق وأنفذ الملك رسولين الى أنطاكية Yahya al-Antaki 522
envoys of al-Zahir to Damascus (Anonymi 169)
  • Met the emperor's envoys (Anonymi 170, near Tortosa) after an agreement to that effect between al-Dizbiri (Tousber 101) and the katepano (Niketas 102) who were preparing to go to war, and left to go to the emperor (Romanos 3) via Antioch (:) فسار جميعهم والتقى الفريقان فى الموضع الذى تقدّم ذكره وسار كلّ واحد منهما الى مقصده Yahya al-Antaki 528-30
  • Were sent by Al-Zahir 101 to Damascus in order to negotiate a peace treaty with the emperor's envoys (Anonymi 170) at Tortosa, as agreed by al-Dizbiri (Tousber 101) and Niketas 102 (:) سيّر الظاهر رسولين وجيهين الى دمشق Yahya al-Antaki 522
envoys of Romanos III to Antioch (Anonymi 170)
  • Met the envoys of Al-Zahir 101 (Anonymi 169, near Tortosa) after an agreement to that effect between al-Dizbiri (Tousber 101) and the katepano (Niketas 102) who were preparing to go to war (:) فسار جميعهم والتقى الفريقان فى الموضع الذى تقدّم ذكره وسار كلّ واحد منهما الى مقصده Yahya al-Antaki 528
  • Were sent by Romanos 3 to Antioch in order to negotiate a peace treaty with Al-Zahir 101's envoys (Anonymi 169) at Tortosa, as agreed by al-Dizbiri (Tousber 101) and Niketas 102 (:) وأنفذ الملك رسولين الى أنطاكية Yahya al-Antaki 522
Niketas of Mistheia, doux of Antioch (Niketas 102)
  • Exchanged letters with al-Dizbiri (Tousber 101) about the peace treaty between Al-Zahir 101 and Romanos 3 and agreed that the rulers should send envoys to Damascus and Antioch respectively, to meet near Tortosa (:) ثمّ تواصلت المكاتبة بينهما ... Yahya al-Antaki 520-22
  • Gathered his troops in Antioch anticipating an attack from al-Dizbiri (Tousber 101), wrote to him proposing a meeting between their envoys (Anonymi 169, Anonymi 170) as had been agreed earlier, and when he acquiesced the meeting took place (:) فجمع القطبان العساكر بالأنطاكية ... ثمّ كاتبه القطبان ... Yahya al-Antaki 528
Emperor Romanos III Argyros (Romanos 3)
  • Sent two envoys (Anonymi 170) to Antioch in order to negotiate a peace treaty with Al-Zahir 101's envoys (Anonymi 169) at Tortosa, as agreed by al-Dizbiri (Tousber 101) and Niketas 102 (:) سيّر الظاهر رسولين وجيهين الى دمشق وأنفذ الملك رسولين الى أنطاكية Yahya al-Antaki 522
al-Dizbiri (al-Barbari in Yahya), Fatimid governor of Palestine (Tousber 101)
  • Reached Apamea from where he wrote to Niketas 102 explaining that his actions were not hostile, left hastily the next day fearing a ruse by the Al Jarrah, set free some Armenian prisoners captured along the way, and arrived in Damascus (:) رحل عن أفامية ثانى يوم وصوله اليها مسرعًا الى دمشق وعند مسيره عنها كتب الى نيقيطا ... Yahya al-Antaki 522
  • Exchanged letters while in Damascus with Niketas 102 about the peace treaty between Al-Zahir 101 and Romanos 3 and agreed that the rulers should send envoys to Damascus and Antioch respectively, to meet near Tortosa (:) ثمّ تواصلت المكاتبة بينهما ... Yahya al-Antaki 520-22
  • Fearing that Niketas 102 might attack the Muslim forts, he pretended that he was preparing to invade Rum territory, but then agreed with his proposal to convene a meeting between their envoys (Anonymi 169, Anonymi 170) as had been agreed earlier (:) واستشعر البربرى أن القطبان بعد ملكه حصن بنكسرائيل على رغمه ... سيعود يغزو الى بلادهم وينازل بعض حصونه فأظهر الاستعداد للغزو الى بلد الروم ... Yahya al-Antaki 528