Attaleiates successfully had remaining Pechenegs swear loyalty: no more would defect

Romanos IV prepared in his tent at Mantzikert as much as possible for the battle of the next day. He accepted Michael Attaleiates' advice to bind by oath the Scythian (Uze) mercenaries in order to remove any suspicion against them, and entrusted him with the implementation of the plan, which was a success 
Michael Attaleiates (Michael 202)
  • Advised the emperor (Romanos 4) to remove any suspicion against the Scythians by binding them by oath, was entrusted with the implementation of his idea, made them take an oath of loyalty, and was proved right for none of them defected in battle (:) τελεστὴν τοῦ ἔργου καὶ διοριστὴν αὐτίκα με προεβάλετο Attaleiates: History 158.22-159.8 / 118.10-16
Emperor Romanos IV Diogenes (Romanos 4)
  • Prepared in his tent (at Mantzikert) as much as possible for the battle of the next day, accepted Michael 202 Attaleiates's advice to bind by oath the Scythians in order to remove any suspicion against them, and entrusted him with its implementation (:) τὴν βουλὴν ἐπαποδεξάμενος Attaleiates: History 158.20-159.3 / 118.8-13
  • Prepared for war in his tent, removed any suspicion against the Scythian, that is the Uze mercenaries by binding them with oaths following their customs, and received rather discourteously the sultan's envoys (Anonymi 103) who came to sue for peace (:) Skylitzes Continuatus 147.18-27