Tzetzes wrote to an archiatros (senior doctor), thanking him for partridges

Ioannes Tzetzes thanked Michael the senior doctor for sending him partridges from Adrianople, which extended Michael's long arm as far as the capital. But Tzetzes he explained that his vegetarian tendencies made him prefer letters to food 
Ioannes Tzetzes, man of letters (Ioannes 459)
  • He thanked Michael 292 for sending partridges from Adrianople, which extended his long arm as far as the capital; but he explained that his vegetarian tendencies made him prefer letters to food (:) Tzetzes, Letters 68.15-69.12
Michael, archiatros (Michael 292)
  • He sent Ioannes 459 partridges from Adrianople, receiving friendly thanks in a letter; however (Tzetzes added) he had vegetarian tendencies, and preferred letters to game (:) Tzetzes, Letters 68.15-69.12