Nur al-Din received a large sum to prevent an attack on the Armenian kingdom

Nur al-Din of Aleppo crossed the Syrian passes while he was on his way to conquer Armenia. However the ruler of Armenia offered him 50,000 dinars in exchange for his country: Nur al-Din accepted the deal 
Nur al-Din al-Malik al-'Adil of Aleppo (Nur al-Din 4001)
  • He crossed the Syrian passes while he was on his way to conquer Armenia; however the king of Armenia gave him 50,000 dinars in exchange for his country and Nur al-Din accepted the deal (:) أدرب السلطان ... وقصد حصار بلاد الأرمن لاستنزاعها من أيديهم فبذل له صاحبها خمسين ألف دينار فقبلها منه Ibn Shaddad 322