Manuel communicated again with Mas'ud

Manuel made for lake Pousgouse. When he was on the plains and felt he was out of danger, he asked a soildier in his army to act as a herald and summon a Turk to be used as a messenger. A Turk appeared, was given an aristocrat's breastplate for credibility, and sent with a message complaining of Mas'ud's elusiveness and threatening to return the next year. When Mas'ud received the message, he sued for peace. Manuel delayed a long time before replying, especially because of uncertainty caused by news of the Crusade 
Byzantine soldier (herald ?) (Anonymus 17015)
  • As soldier in the Byzantine army, he was asked to shout loudly and summon a Turk to be used as a messenger (:) Kinnamos 58.17-18
Turkish messenger from sultan of Ikonion to Manuel I (Anonymus 17016)
  • Summoned by a Byzantine herald, he came forward to take a message from the emperor Manuel 1 to Masud 17001; he was given an aristocrat's breastplate for credibility (:) ἐπιθωρακίῳ τε τῶν ἐπὶ δόξης τινὸς δωρησάμενος, ὡς ἔκδηλος εἴη πρὸς βασιλέως πεμφθείς Kinnamos 58.19-59.6
Emperor Manuel I Komnenos (Manuel 1)
  • Made for Lake Pousgouse; on reaching the plains he summoned a Turk (Anonymus 17009), gave him an aristocrat's breastplate for credibility and sent a message to Masud 17001 complaining of his elusiveness and threatening to return in spring (:) ἐπιθωρακίῳ τε τῶν ἐπὶ δόξης Kinnamos 58.12-59.6
  • When Masud 17001 sued for peace in response to a message delivered by a Turk (Anonymus 17009), he constantly delayed because of the importance of the issue and his many concerns, especially news of the Crusade (:) Kinnamos 59.6-12
Mas'ud, sultan of Ikonion (Masud 17001)
  • Received a message from the emperor Manuel 1 via a Turk (Anonymus 17016) and sent ambassadors for peace; Manuel constantly delayed, perhaps through news of Crusade (:) Kinnamos 59.6-12