Tax exemptions of Theologos of Patmos confirmed by a pittakion of Anna Dalassene

Following the decision of Alexios I to grant Patmos to Christodoulos with tax exemptions in perpetuity, Anna Dalassene, at the request of Christodoulos, issued a pittakion sealed in wax, ordering that copies be registered in relevant sekreta and sent to Christodoulos himself. The original pittakion was signed by the (unnamed) logothetes of the sekreta as needing to be registered in different sekreta, while 25 other signatures were made to copies (two by fathers on behalf of their sons). That in the sekreton of the oikeiaka was signed by eight persons, that in the sekreton of the sakelle by six, that in the sekreton of the genikon by five and that in the sekreton of the stratiotikon logothesion by four 
1088 May 26 
Emperor Alexios I Komnenos (Alexios 1)
  • Received a request from Christodoulos 101 to grant him Patmos in exchange for a property on Kos and issued, signed and sealed a chrysobull to that effect ordering Nikolaos 196 to proceed with the transfer and to prepare a praktikon (in the month of April of the 11th indiction (1088):Μηνὶ ἀπριλλίω ἰνδικτιῶνος ια´) διὰ χρυσοβούλλου λόγου ... διὰ κινναβάρεως, καὶ διὰ κηροῦ σφραγίς Patmos: Acts 2.38.375-385, 77.3-4
Anastasios Matzoukes, chartoularios of sekreton of stratiotikon logothesion (Anastasios 107)
  • Signed a copy of a pittakion of Anna 61 registered in the sekreton of the stratiotikon logothesion, confirming the tax exemptions of Patmos in perpetuity and ordering that copies of this pittakion be registered, signed and given to Christodoulos 101: in association with Niketas 157, Nikolaos 205, Nikolaos 206 (In the month of May of the 11th indiction (1088):κατὰ τὸν Μάιον μῆνα τῆς παρούσης ια´ ἰνδικτιῶνος) Patmos: Acts 1.346.324
Anna Dalassene (Anna 61)
  • Following a request from Christodoulos 101 she issued and sealed in wax a pittakion confirming the tax exemptions of Patmos in perpetuity and ordering that copies of this pittakion be registered in the sekreta, signed and given to Christodoulos (On May 26 of the 11th indiction (1088):μηνὶ Μαΐω κς ´ ἰνδικτιῶνος ια ´) διὰ κηροῦ σφραγὶς τῶ βουλλωτηρίω τῆς ἁγίας ἡμῶν δεσποίνης Patmos: Acts 1.343.253-344.266
protonobelissimos and logothetes of the sekreta (Anonymus 628)
  • Signed the pittakion issued by Anna 61 following a request from Christodoulos 101, confirming the tax exemptions of Patmos in perpetuity and ordering that copies of this pittakion be registered in the sekreta, signed and given to Christodoulos (On May 26 of the 11th indiction (1088):μηνὶ Μαΐω κς´ ἰνδικτιῶνος ια´) διὰ γραμμάτων τοῦ μεγαλεπιφανεστάτου πρωτονωβελισσίμου Patmos: Acts 1.344.266
protonotarios of genikon logothesion, son of Ioannes Kyparissiotes (Anonymus 629)
  • His father Ioannes 363 signed on his behalf a copy of a pittakion of Anna 61 registered in the sekreton of the genikon logothesion, confirming the tax exemptions of Patmos and ordering that copies be registered, signed and given to Christodoulos 101 (In the month of May of the 11th indiction (1088):κατὰ τὸν Μάιον μῆνα ἰνδικτιῶνος ια ´) Patmos: Acts 1.345..306
Basileios Chalkoutzes, vestes, krites of the velon and genikos (Basileios 203)
  • Signed a copy of a pittakion of Anna 61 registered in the sekreton of the genikon logothesion, confirming the tax exemptions of Patmos in perpetuity and ordering that copies of this pittakion be registered, signed and given to Christodoulos 101: in association with Theodoros 200, Ioannes 363, Leon 173, Leon 175 (In the month of May of the 11th indiction (1088):κατὰ τὸν Μάιον μῆνα ἰνδικτιῶνος ια ´) Patmos: Acts 1.345.307
Basileios Gorgonites, krites of the velon and megas chartoularios of the oikeiaka (Basileios 205)
  • Signed a copy of a pittakion of Anna 61 registered in the sekreton of the oikeiaka, confirming the tax exemptions of Patmos in perpetuity and ordering that copies of this pittakion be registered in the sekreta, signed and given to Christodoulos 101: in association with Niketas 158, Theodoros 201, Basileios 206, Ioannes 354, Eustathios 120, Nikephoros 153 (In the month of May of the 11th indiction (1088):κατὰ τὸν Μάιον μῆνα τῆς παρούσης ια´ ἰνδικτιῶνος) Patmos: Acts 1.344.268
Basileios Romanikos, patrikios (Basileios 206)
  • Signed on behalf of his son Theodoros 199 a copy of a pittakion of Anna 61 registered in the sekreton of the oikeiaka, confirming the tax exemptions of Patmos in perpetuity and ordering that copies of this pittakion be registered in the sekreta: in association with Niketas 158, Basileios 205, Theodoros 201, Ioannes 354, Eustathios 120, Nikephoros 153 (In the month of May of the 11th indiction (1088):κατὰ τὸν Μάιον μῆνα τῆς παρούσης ια´ ἰνδικτιῶνος) Patmos: Acts 1.344.270
Christodoulos of Patmos (Christodoulos 101)
  • Worried about the tax-exempt status of Patmos, he requested its confirmation and was granted a pittakion to that effect by Anna 61 (On May 26 of the 11th indiction (1088):μηνὶ Μαΐω κς ´ ἰνδικτιῶνος ια ´) ὑπόμνησιν περὶ τούτου ἐποιήσατο Patmos: Acts 1.343.253-344.266
Epiphanios Hexamilites (Epiphanios 104)
  • Signed a copy of a pittakion of Anna 61 registered in the sekreton of the sakelle, confirming the tax exemptions of Patmos in perpetuity and ordering that copies of this pittakion be registered in the sekreta, signed and given to Christodoulos 101: in association with Georgios 226, Konstantinos 230, Ioannes 362, Konstantinos 231, Konstantinos 232 (On May 27 of the 11th indiction (1088):κατὰ τὴν κζ ´ τοῦ Μαΐου μηνὸς τῆς ια ´ ἰνδικτιῶνος) Patmos: Acts 1.345.288
Eustathios Karianites, imperial notarios of sekreton of the oikeiaka (Eustathios 120)
  • Signed a copy of a pittakion of Anna 61 registered in the sekreton of the oikeiaka, confirming the tax exemptions of Patmos in perpetuity and ordering that copies of this pittakion be registered in the sekreta, signed and given to Christodoulos 101: in association with Niketas 158, Basileios 205, Theodoros 201, Basileios 206, Ioannes 354, Nikephoros 153 (In the month of May of the 11th indiction (1088):κατὰ τὸν Μάιον μῆνα τῆς παρούσης ια´ ἰνδικτιῶνος) Patmos: Acts 1.344.272
Georgios Promoundinos, krites of the velon and epi tes basilkes sakelles (Georgios 226)
  • Signed a copy of a pittakion of Anna 61 registered in the sekreton of the sakelle, confirming the tax exemptions of Patmos in perpetuity and ordering that copies of this pittakion be registered in the sekreta, signed and given to Christodoulos 101: in association with Konstantinos 230, Epiphanios 104, Ioannes 362, Konstantinos 231, Konstantinos 232 (On May 27 of the 11th indiction (1088):κατὰ τὴν κζ ´ τοῦ Μαΐου μηνὸς τῆς ια ´ ἰνδικτιῶνος) Patmos: Acts 1.345.286
Ioannes Karianites, vestes and imperial notarios of the sekreton of the oikeiaka (Ioannes 354)
  • Signed a copy of a pittakion of Anna 61 registered in the sekreton of the oikeiaka, confirming the tax exemptions of Patmos in perpetuity and ordering that copies of this pittakion be registered in the sekreta, signed and given to Christodoulos 101: in association with Niketas 158, Basileios 205, Theodoros 201, Basileios 206, Eustathios 120, Nikephoros 153 (In the month of May of the 11th indiction (1088):κατὰ τὸν Μάιον μῆνα τῆς παρούσης ια´ ἰνδικτιῶνος) Patmos: Acts 1.344.271
Ioannes Pringoulos, imperial notarios of the sakelle (Ioannes 362)
  • Signed a copy of a pittakion of Anna 61 registered in the sekreton of the sakelle, confirming the tax exemptions of Patmos in perpetuity and ordering that copies of this pittakion be registered in the sekreta, signed and given to Christodoulos 101: in association with Georgios 226, Konstantinos 230, Epiphanios 104, Konstantinos 231, Konstantinos 232 (On May 27 of the 11th indiction (1088):κατὰ τὴν κζ ´ τοῦ Μαΐου μηνὸς τῆς ια ´ ἰνδικτιῶνος) Patmos: Acts 1.345.289
Ioannes Kyparissiotes, vestes and imperial notarios (Ioannes 363)
  • Signed on behalf of his son (Anonymus 629) a copy of a pittakion of Anna 61 registered in the sekreton of the genikon logothesion, confirming the tax exemptions of Patmos and ordering that copies be registered, signed and given to Christodoulos 101: in association with Theodoros 200, Basileios 203, Leon 173, Leon 175 (In the month of May of the 11th indiction (1088):κατὰ τὸν Μάιον μῆνα ἰνδικτιῶνος ια ´) Patmos: Acts 1.345.306
Konstantinos Morocharzanes, protonotarios of the sekreton of the sakelle (Konstantinos 230)
  • Signed a copy of a pittakion of Anna 61 registered in the sekreton of the sakelle, confirming the tax exemptions of Patmos in perpetuity and ordering that copies of this pittakion be registered in the sekreta, signed and given to Christodoulos 101: in association with Georgios 226, Epiphanios 104, Ioannes 362, Konstantinos 231, Konstantinos 232 (On May 27 of the 11th indiction (1088):κατὰ τὴν κζ ´ τοῦ Μαΐου μηνὸς τῆς ια ´ ἰνδικτιῶνος) Patmos: Acts 1.345.287
Konstantinos Barys, ek prosopou of the sekreton of the imperial sakelle (Konstantinos 231)
  • Signed a copy of a pittakion of Anna 61 registered in the sekreton of the sakelle, confirming the tax exemptions of Patmos in perpetuity and ordering that copies of this pittakion be registered in the sekreta, signed and given to Christodoulos 101: in association with Georgios 226, Konstantinos 230, Epiphanios 104, Ioannes 362, Konstantinos 232 (On May 27 of the 11th indiction (1088):κατὰ τὴν κζ ´ τοῦ Μαΐου μηνὸς τῆς ια ´ ἰνδικτιῶνος) Patmos: Acts 1.345.290
Konstantinos Promoundinos, imperial notarios of the sakelle (Konstantinos 232)
  • Signed a copy of a pittakion of Anna 61 registered in the sekreton of the sakelle, confirming the tax exemptions of Patmos in perpetuity and ordering that copies of this pittakion be registered in the sekreta, signed and given to Christodoulos 101: in association with Georgios 226, Konstantinos 230, Epiphanios 104, Ioannes 362, Konstantinos 231 (On May 27 of the 11th indiction (1088):κατὰ τὴν κζ ´ τοῦ Μαΐου μηνὸς τῆς ια ´ ἰνδικτιῶνος) Patmos: Acts 1.345.291
Leon Hexamilites, krites of the velon and megas chartoularios of the genikon (Leon 173)
  • Signed a copy of a pittakion of Anna 61 registered in the sekreton of the genikon logothesion, confirming the tax exemptions of Patmos in perpetuity and ordering that copies of this pittakion be registered, signed and given to Christodoulos 101: in association with Theodoros 200, Ioannes 363, Basileios 203, Leon 175 (In the month of May of the 11th indiction (1088):κατὰ τὸν Μάιον μῆνα ἰνδικτιῶνος ια ´) Patmos: Acts 1.346.308
Leon Karamallos, megas chartoularios of genikon logothesion (Leon 175)
  • Signed a copy of a pittakion of Anna 61 registered in the sekreton of the genikon logothesion, confirming the tax exemptions of Patmos in perpetuity and ordering that copies of this pittakion be registered, signed and given to Christodoulos 101: in association with Theodoros 200, Ioannes 363, Basileios 203, Leon 173 (In the month of May of the 11th indiction (1088):κατὰ τὸν Μάιον μῆνα ἰνδικτιῶνος ια ´) Patmos: Acts 1.346.309
Nikephoros tou Epistemonos, imperial notarios (Nikephoros 153)
  • Signed a copy of a pittakion of Anna 61 registered in the sekreton of the oikeiaka, confirming the tax exemptions of Patmos in perpetuity and ordering that copies of this pittakion be registered in the sekreta, signed and given to Christodoulos 101: in association with Niketas 158, Basileios 205, Theodoros 201, Basileios 206, Ioannes 354, Eustathios 120 (In the month of May of the 11th indiction (1088):κατὰ τὸν Μάιον μῆνα τῆς παρούσης ια ´ ἰνδικτιῶνος) Patmos: Acts 1.344.273
Niketas, magistros and stratiotikos logothetes (Niketas 157)
  • Signed a copy of a pittakion of Anna 61 registered in the sekreton of the stratiotikon logothesion, confirming the tax exemptions of Patmos in perpetuity and ordering that copies of this pittakion be registered, signed and given to Christodoulos 101: in association with Nikolaos 205, Anastasios 107, Nikolaos 206 (In the month of May of the 11th indiction (1088):κατὰ τὸν Μάιον μῆνα τῆς παρούσης ια ´ ἰνδικτιῶνος) Patmos: Acts 1.346.322
Niketas, protoproedros and epi ton oikeiakon (Niketas 158)
  • Signed a copy of a pittakion of Anna 61 registered in the sekreton of the oikeiaka, confirming the tax exemptions of Patmos in perpetuity and ordering that copies of this pittakion be registered in the sekreta, signed and given to Christodoulos 101: in association with Basileios 205, Theodoros 201, Basileios 206, Ioannes 354, Eustathios 120, Nikephoros 153 (In the month of May of the 11th indiction (1088):κατὰ τὸν Μάιον μῆνα τῆς παρούσης ια ´ ἰνδικτιῶνος) Patmos: Acts 1.344.267
Nikolaos Zonaras, krites of the hippodrome (Nikolaos 205)
  • Signed a copy of a pittakion of Anna 61 registered in the sekreton of the stratiotikon logothesion, confirming the tax exemptions of Patmos in perpetuity and ordering that copies of this pittakion be registered, signed and given to Christodoulos 101: in association with Niketas 157, Anastasios 107, Nikolaos 206 (In the month of May of the 11th indiction (1088):κατὰ τὸν Μάιον μῆνα τῆς παρούσης ια ´ ἰνδικτιῶνος) Patmos: Acts 1.346.323
Nikolaos Chalkoutzes, chartoularios of the stratiotikon logothesion (Nikolaos 206)
  • Signed a copy of a pittakion of Anna 61 registered in the sekreton of the stratiotikon logothesion, confirming the tax exemptions of Patmos in perpetuity and ordering that copies of this pittakion be registered, signed and given to Christodoulos 101: in association with Niketas 157, Nikolaos 205, Anastasios 107 (In the month of May of the 11th indiction (1088):κατὰ τὸν Μάιον μῆνα τῆς παρούσης ια ´ ἰνδικτιῶνος) Patmos: Acts 1.346.325
Theodoros Romanikos, imperial notarios (Theodoros 199)
  • His father Basileios 206 signed on his behalf a copy of a pittakion of Anna 61 registered in the sekreton of the oikeiaka, confirming the tax exemptions of Patmos in perpetuity and ordering that copies of this pittakion be registered in the sekreta (In the month of May of the 11th indiction (1088):κατὰ τὸν Μάιον μῆνα τῆς παρούσης ια´ ἰνδικτιῶνος) Patmos: Acts 1.344.270
Theodoros tou Aktouariou, magistros and genikos logothetes (Theodoros 200)
  • Signed a copy of a pittakion of Anna 61 registered in the sekreton of the genikon logothesion, confirming the tax exemptions of Patmos in perpetuity and ordering that copies of this pittakion be registered, signed and given to Christodoulos 101: in association with Ioannes 363, Basileios 203, Leon 173, Leon 175 (In the month of May of the 11th indiction (1088):κατὰ τὸν Μάιον μῆνα ἰνδικτιῶνος ια ´) Patmos: Acts 1.345.305
Theodoros Serblias, imperial notarios of sekreton of the oikeiaka (Theodoros 201)
  • Signed a copy of a pittakion of Anna 61 registered in the sekreton of the oikeiaka, confirming the tax exemptions of Patmos in perpetuity and ordering that copies of this pittakion be registered in the sekreta, signed and given to Christodoulos 101: in association with Niketas 158, Basileios 205, Basileios 206, Ioannes 354, Eustathios 120, Nikephoros 153 (In the month of May of the 11th indiction (1088):κατὰ τὸν Μάιον μῆνα τῆς παρούσης ια´ ἰνδικτιῶνος) Patmos: Acts 1.344.269