Division in the army of Conrad III: Otto of Freisingen took the coast road

At Nikomedeia Conrad III's forces were faced by three alternative roads: the direct route via Ikonion, the coastal route and an intermediate way. Conrad took the direct route with the most powerful part of the army; his brother, Otto of Freisingen, went via the coast road with the rest of the army. Odo of Deuil (and others) speak of a disagreement 
Conrad III Hohenstaufen, king of Germany (Conrad 53)
  • At Nikomedeia his forces faced three alternative roads: the direct route via Ikonion, the coastal route and an intermediate way; Conrad took the direct route with the strongest part of the army; his brother Otto 101, chose the coast road with the rest; Odo of Deuil speaks of a disagreement (:) oborto scandalo Odo of Deuil 50
Otto, bishop of Freising, brother of Conrad III (Otto 101)
  • At Nikomedeia the German forces faced three alternative roads: the direct route via Ikonion, the coastal route and an intermediate way; Conrad 53 took the direct route with the strongest part of the army; his brother Otto chose the coast road with the rest; Odo 101 speaks of a disagreement (:) oborto scandalo Odo of Deuil 50